Services include job exploration counseling, work-based-learning experiences, workplace readiness training as well as instruction in self advocacy.
Training includes activities to improve:
• Productivity • Attendance • Punctuality
• Ability to work with others • Work tolerance
• Ability to work under supervision
The on-the-job evaluation service provides individuals as well as their team the opportunity to evaluate the suitability of a career or occupational area of interest. The service is typically provided prior to the determination of a specific job goal.
Services include job exploration counseling, work-based learning experiences, workplace readiness training as well as instruction in self advocacy. This service is available to students, aged 14-21, who are eligible or "potentially eligible" for Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
On-the-Job Evaluation Services provide VRS with an understanding of the individual’s marketability and skills in a particular career or occupational area of interest. An On-the-Job Evaluation is primarily used prior to the determination of a specific job goal. The MRCI Representative monitors and reports on the evaluation, noting the individual’s skills, interests, work tolerance, suitability of certain types of work, and the need for specific supports, coaching or training to improve the individual’s
Understand how work and
benefits can go together to
support individual’s goals, as
well as the tools and resources
to help individuals manage
their benefits while working.
This service is performed by a
certified Benefits Coach who
has completed the Disability
HUB MN Benefits Coaching
Training. It is offered for both
VRS and wavier employment
Bridge to the Future is a four-week
program for youth with disabilities
that provides the opportunity to
build skills and gain experience for
empowerment and success. The
program includes curriculum-based
training, community activities and paid work experiences for individuals with the option to learn, explore, and identify interests and abilities. Each day, individuals will practice and develop the skills they have learned in class at their work experiences.
Services to assist a person in developing work skills, work habits and job retention skills required to obtain and maintain employment. Training includes activities to:
• Improve and increase productivity
• Attendance
• Punctuality
• Ability to work with others
• Ability to work under supervision
• Work tolerance
Track to Success is an eight-week program that provides
curriculum-based training and paid work experiences to individuals with disabilities. The program strives to improve communication and
interpersonal skills, as well as
situational judgment and problem solving for each individual. Each day, individuals will practice and develop the skills they have learned in class at their work experiences.